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The quick and convenient way to send and receive money.

Introducing Zelle® – a fast, safe, and easy way to send money to friends, family and other people you trust, regardless of where they bank1. Whether you’re paying rent, gifting money, or splitting the cost of a bill, Zelle® has you covered.

Important Update: Zelle® has made changes to their standalone app, which means you'll no longer be able to send or receive money through their app. Don't worry, we got you! With an SCCU checking account, you can continue using Zelle® through SCCU Online & Mobile Banking to keep sending and receiving money.

Don't have an SCCU checking account? Apply for one today! Explore Checking Account Options

What is Zelle®?

When timing is everything – send money with Zelle®.



Send money directly from your account to theirs — typically in minutes1.



Zelle® is available in the SCCU Mobile app.



Use Zelle® within the app you already trust. No account numbers are shared.

How to Use Zelle® to Safely Send Money

Only send money to people you know and trust

Money moves fast with Zelle®. Directly from bank account to bank account within minutes1. So, it's important you know and trust the people you're sending money to.

You can't cancel a payment once it's been sent if the recipient is already enrolled with Zelle®, so it's important to get it right the first time.

Beware of payment scams

If you send money to someone you don't know for a product or service you might not receive (like paying for something in advance), you may not get your money back.

Neither Space Coast Credit Union nor Zelle® offers a protection program for authorized payments made with Zelle®. So, if you aren't sure you will get what you paid for, you should use another payment method with purchase protection, such as a credit card.

Treat Zelle® like cash

Money moves fast – directly into the enrolled recipient's bank account. Make sure you're sending to the right person by confirming the first name displayed is that of your recipient.

Zelle® FAQs

Zelle® is a fast, safe and easy way to send money directly between almost any bank or credit union account in the U.S., typically within minutes . With just an email address or U.S. mobile phone number, you can send money to people you trust, regardless of where they bank.1 

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You can send, request, or receive money with Zelle®

To get started: 

  • Log into the SCCU Mobile app and tap "Zelle" on the bottom right. 
  • Log into Online Banking (desktop) and click "Zelle" under Quick Actions. 

Enter your email address or U.S. mobile phone number, receive a one-time verification code, enter it, accept terms and conditions, and you’re ready to start sending and receiving with Zelle®.

To send money, simply select a contact from your cellphone (or add a trusted recipient’s email address or U.S. cellphone number), add the amount you’d like to send and an optional note, review, then hit “Send."

Please note: If you already use Zelle® with another institution, you’ll need to use a different email or U.S. mobile number for your SCCU account.

To request money, choose “Request,” select the person you’d like to request money from, enter the amount you’d like, include an optional note, review and hit “Request."

If the person you are requesting money from is not yet enrolled with Zelle®, you must use their email address to request money. If the person has enrolled their U.S. mobile number, then you can send the request using their mobile number. 

To receive money, simply share your enrolled email address or U.S. mobile number with your trusted person and ask them to send you money with Zelle®. The money will be sent directly into your SCCU account, typically within minutes1.

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When you enroll with Zelle® through the SCCU Mobile app or in Online Banking, your name, the name of your bank/credit union, and the email address or U.S. mobile number you enrolled is shared with Zelle® (no sensitive account details are shared – those stay with SCCU). When someone sends money to your enrolled email address or U.S. mobile number, Zelle® looks up the email address or mobile number in its “directory” and notifies SCCU of the incoming payment. We’ll then direct the payment into your account, all while keeping your sensitive account details private.

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Your email address or U.S. mobile number may already be enrolled with Zelle® at another bank or credit union. Zelle® does not allow the same email or U.S. mobile number to be used with multiple financial institutions. Therefore, you will need to switch either your email or U.S. mobile number from your other bank or credit union. Then you will be able to use it to set up a Zelle® account with SCCU. 

Once your email address or U.S. mobile number has been switched from the other financial institution, it can be connected to your SCCU account so you can start sending and receiving money with Zelle® through the SCCU mobile app or in Online Banking.

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Keeping your money and information safe is our top priority. When you use Zelle® within our Mobile app or Online Banking, your information is protected with the same technology we use to keep your SCCU account(s) safe.

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You can send money to friends, family and others you trust1 even if they have a different bank or credit union. 
Since money is sent directly from your checking or savings account to another person’s account within minutes1, it’s important to only send money to people you trust, and always ensure you’ve used the correct email address or U.S. mobile number. 

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If you don’t know the person or aren’t sure you will get what you paid for (for example, items bought from an online bidding or sales site), you should not use Zelle®.

These types of transactions are potentially high risk (just like sending cash to a person you don’t know is high risk). Neither SCCU nor Zelle® offers a protection program for any authorized payments made with Zelle® – for example, if you do not receive the item you paid for or the item is not as described or as you expected.

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In order to use Zelle®, the sender and recipient’s bank or credit union accounts must be based in the U.S.

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You can only cancel a payment if the person you sent money to hasn’t yet enrolled with Zelle®. To check whether the payment is still pending because the recipient hasn’t yet enrolled, you can go to your activity page, choose the payment you want to cancel, and then select “Cancel This Payment.” If you do not see this option available, please contact our Member Service Center at 1-800-447-7228, and one of our Team Members will be happy to assist in canceling the pending payment.

If the person you sent money to has already enrolled with Zelle®, the money is sent directly to their bank account and cannot be canceled. This is why it’s important to only send money to people you trust, and always ensure you’ve used the correct email address or U.S. mobile number when sending money.  

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There are no fees to use Zelle® with your personal checking or savings account.

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You can find a full list of participating banks and credit unions live with Zelle® here.

If your recipient’s bank or credit union isn’t on the list, don’t worry! The list of participating financial institutions is always growing, and your recipient can still use Zelle® by downloading the Zelle® app for Android and iOS.

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Yes! They will receive an email or text message notification via the email or U.S. mobile number they used to enroll with Zelle®.

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Money sent with Zelle® is typically available to an enrolled recipient within minutes. 

If you send money to someone who isn’t enrolled with Zelle®, they will receive a notification prompting them to enroll. After enrollment, the money will be sent directly to your recipient’s account, typically within minutes. 

If your payment is pending, we recommend confirming that the person you sent money to has enrolled with Zelle® and that you entered the correct email address or U.S. mobile phone number. 

If you’re waiting to receive money, you should check to see if you’ve received a payment notification via email or text message. If you haven’t received a payment notification, we recommend following up with the sender to confirm they entered the correct email address or U.S. mobile phone number.

Still having trouble? Please contact our Member Service Center at 1-800-447-7228, and one of our Team Members will be happy to assist.

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1U.S. checking or savings account required to use Zelle®. Transactions between enrolled users typically occur in minutes and generally do not incur transaction fees.

Zelle® and the Zelle® related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning Services, LLC and are used herein under license.